Silk finish, with a satin appearance when reflected on.
Scuffgard is a satin finish paint with enhanced
performance. Based on a self-cross-linking pure acrylic binder, Scuffgard provides exceptional multi-surface adhesion. The modified surface profile of the paint film provides superb scuff and marking resistance and aids cleanability. Resistance to staining by common household products has also been enhanced. Scuffgard provides excellent ‘blocking’ resistance, meaning painted surfaces will not stick together once fully dried and cured. The superb resistance and toughness properties of Scuffgard make it an ideal finish for application to extremely high-use areas where regular cleaning is required. Scuffgard has an exceptionally low odour. Once dried this allows rooms to be rapidly brought back into service. Whilst primarily formulated for
interior use, Scuffgard may be used on the exterior
joinery if required.
Features and specifications
Interior use
Exterior use
Can be used on timber
Can be used on plaster
Can be used on plasterboard
Can be used on metal
Can be used on concrete and brick
Can be used on PVC
Can be used on MDF
Highly durable
Minimal odour
Sheen level- 20% (based on 2 full coats applied)
Coverage- up to 18 square meters per litre per coat.
Recommended coats- 2
Time between coats- 20mins to an hour
Tin size- 1L-10L
Scuff Gard data sheets